Friday, January 12, 2007

The straw that broke the camels back.

Finally after months of pushing, I've truly fucked myself over. The jobcenter has cut us off without notice because I missed a course I was to attend. So on the day we were meant to receive the paltry fortnightly sum that buys our messages. I was informed that not only are we cut off this time, but also in a fortnights time. Empty fridge, bare cupboards, electric & gas meters running low and a month to survive.

This provides an ideal opportunity to question those who think it is hypocritical to sign-on as an anarchist. You know who you are...
As an Anarchist (and just a decent human being) I believe everyone should be entitled to food, clean water, shelter, clothing and warmth for free (really I think everything should be free, but lets not be too radical) These are the basic needs for modern humans so in a so called advanced civilized society they should be supplied. Now the dole is shit, you barely get enough to provide the above needs but as long as you don't care about luxuries then you can get by. It is as if all those essentials are free therefore living a tiny part of my ideal.
As an Anarchist, I believe the centralizing of authority i.e. Government is harmful to everyone, as in their day to day running of society they commit the most horrendous atrocities from schooling children to be moronic sheep as adults and starving their own jobless citizens to genocide, arms dealing and war. Governments pay for all of these evils because of the taxing of the poor (rich people evade tax.) Now the dole is shite, but at least it avoids contributing blood money, in fact jobseekers take money from the warchest. To those who think that tax would drop if there was no dole, get a grip! Tax breaks are only given to those that don't need it.

So here I am in a situation that apparently relieves me of my hypocrisy. Because I no longer receive money from the state I wish to see destroyed, lets assess my options.
First of all we need food, so I can steal it from shops, pillage farms, forage the land, steal money to pay for it, starve or get a job.
Stealing from shops as I've said before is right. However, making it your living greatly increases the chance of imprisonment. Even great thieves can be unlucky. If left as my only option I have no problems in choosing this course of action, I would rather it didn't come to this though because I'm still on probation so one tiny blunder would cost a mammoth 6 months jail-time in the retrial of my last charge alone.
Pillaging farms and foraging the land requires knowledge that I don't have (they are on my 'to learn' list along with everything else).
Stealing money is within my grasp I've been mugged loads of times so I am familiar with how it's done. It takes place is areas where I am in complete control so if I was a complete knob-end this would be relatively safe and lucrative. But I'm not a knob-end (at least not in this respect) so would have to find another way. Stealing money from shops, banks etc is again something I am not to bothered by. If it came without the theat of or actual violence to some poor wee till-operator; I'd be all for it. Unlike stealing food, this would spark an actual police investigation leading to even more time in jail. Although pulling a Raskalnikov does have some appeal, the desire to be around to raise my kids holds me back.
Starve? well if your dumb enough to allow this to happen in a society of plenty then GOOD you deserve it for being so stupid.
Getting a job solves all our financial problems, we can eat, afford our rent and bills, new clothes with left-overs to save for a holiday and bla bla bla. Oh yippie I can become another fucking loser that consolidates capitalism by devoting 5 out of my 7 days to it. While paying the government to murder poor people (generally in the interest of the economy). That's the plan that people have been pestering me to do for the sake of nicer clothes, more nights out and a holiday or two.

Only survival would make me endure this slavery...

1 comment:

Duncan said...

a few questions:

- your assertation that poor people pay all the taxes, and rich people pay none - evidence/citation please.
- if everything is to be free - who produces things? I'm not working my arse off for some bludger to sit around and leech off me without giving me anything in return. I would be happy to work for free if we achieved a true communism where everyone contributes and no-one (or few people) bludges.

Now, looking particularly at your last statement - the fact that you are quite happy to not work until the dole actually cuts you off is proof that there are bludgers out there who the provision of the dole actively prevents from going out to work - i.e. the only thing that stopped you from working was that you got money for free. This means you are exactly the sort of person who prevents your ideal society from working.

Working 5 days a week doesn't mean you support capitalism.

Anyway, glad to hear you are finally contributing something to society by getting a job, however reluctantly.

If you could provide some references to your poor people taxation that's be great. I was under the impression that the middle classes were the ones that paid all the taxes.