Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Groupwork - Expectations of men

Arrived late but within the 15 minute grace that we are allowed. The group had started but were reiterating the group rules especially the 'one singer, one song' rule. This was perhaps because I complained about the madness in my last group evaluation.
At my community service on yesterday I forged some allies. Two of the guys I'm on CS with are in my groupwork so I spoke of Willy's dislike of me and my intention to wind him up. Peter and Scott both like me to being in their group because it absolves them of speaking in front of the class so now they think Willy is a target for a slagging.
I came in at the point when Paul was suggesting to everyone that we should raise our hand when we want to say something, I couldn't help but laugh. The suggestion was rejected, although Willy and Paul despite constantly interrupting, still put their hand up during the whole class just to be ignored by Claire and Rona. This led to childish huff and haws it was superb, they felt victimised.
Peter who is very quite, sprung into action by saying to Willy that he would talk more if he'd 'shut up for 5 minutes' - priceless...
Paul got spoken to and Willy was sent home at the break, I think as a combination of my evaluation and Peter's comment(because he's quiet and I'm clever). But who knows really?

In one exercise we all had statements about men that had to placed on the agree pile or disagree pile and discussed. When it came to the Billy's statement
'If my friend told me he was gay, it wouldn't change our friendship.'
he agreed because 'if a ken'd someb'dy ma hail life, thur still the same person ken.' The small bald English guy nicknamed Shorty muttered and turned away in disgust. This was picked up on by Claire who asked his opinion.
'well you know, God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve'
haha I was poorless.

The last exercise was also hilarious, we had to describe a time in our childhood when someone said or did something that stuck, forming an expectation of manhood. However, when Raymond got the ball rolling, it quickly became clear that he didn't know what the question was asking instead describing his fathers vicious beatings and how his sister was the favorite. Claire and Rona then tried to clarify what the question meant. Paul was next and he rambled about how his father give him vicious beatings and bla bla bla but again never answered the question. Claire was tearing her hair out by this point, so they asked me to go next.
I said that most expectations are contradictory just about everyone has told me 'to stay out of trouble and behave but also told me to stand up for myself and not let anyone push me around'
This didn't help anyone, and everyone rambled on about some boohoo story from childhood
By the end of this task Claire was exhausted so sent us home early...

1 comment:

ghg said...

Do Claire and Rona actually get paid to do this?