Wednesday, October 24, 2007

7/7 documentary.

This is an excellent new documentary about the the London Bombings (7/7). It systematically deconstructs the official narrative and looks into other British affairs such as the recent alleged plot to blow up passenger planes.

It’s good to see that people are taking more interest in this event and the peculiar circumstances surrounding it. Check this out and decide for yourselves.


ghg said...

"deconstructs the official narrative"

Haven't watched the clip lad as my internet connection is too slow. This deconstructing official narrative chat sounds disturbingly like postmodernist bullshit. Did you randomly generate it here?

Here's a lovely example:

Modernism, capitalism and the predialectic paradigm of discourse
Barbara d’Erlette
Department of English, Harvard University
1. Baudrillardist hyperreality and conceptualist objectivism
“Truth is part of the paradigm of reality,” says Sontag; however, according to Reicher[1] , it is not so much truth that is part of the paradigm of reality, but rather the collapse, and subsequent economy, of truth. Thus, Baudrillard suggests the use of neodialectic desituationism to challenge and read sexual identity.

The primary theme of d’Erlette’s[2] analysis of conceptualist objectivism is not narrative, as modernism suggests, but subnarrative. But Marx promotes the use of capitalist objectivism to deconstruct hierarchy.

Any number of theories concerning the defining characteristic, and therefore the dialectic, of semantic class may be discovered. In a sense, Geoffrey[3] states that we have to choose between conceptualist objectivism and capitalist neoconceptual theory.

This shit makes me laugh out loud every time. Why don't you read the Blank Slate, some Dawkins, some Nassim Taleb?

ghg said...

Heard a rumour from Duns that you're off to uni again lad. Excellent news if it's true. Which course are you planning to do?

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Phoenix

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to iona