Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Whilst I was working the night-shift at the Garage, I enjoyed plenty of time to devour my books. I was so ravenous, I even set up a book-club (the day before I was sacked) hahahaha life eh? what a practical joke the whole thing is. But anyway, I thought I'd list the books that I read whilst mincing at work and the first books that are on the book club reading list.

Friedrich Nietzsche - Ecce Homo
Beyond Good and Evil
Genology of Morality
The Birth of Tragedy
Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ
Human, all too Human
Untimely Meditations (started it, but by this time I thought my head was going to melt, so for the first time in a long time I picked up a novel, listed below)
The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche (selected passages)
Max Weber - The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Robert Thomson - The Psychology of Thinking
Alexander Moseley - A Philosophy of War
Oscar Wilde - A portrait of Dorian Gray
Plato - Republic (selected passages)
Martin Heidegger - Being and Time (started but then sacked)

Not bad eh? see why I liked my job despite everything about it being shit. Those books have been laughing at me for years gathering dust on my bookshelf. In a little over two months I smashed my way through them.

Here's what is in the pipeline for the Book Club, we'll see how I cope now without the forced solitude of the garage, I plan to read between 8pm and 11pm every weeknight (after the kids go to bed and before Teri comes home) fingers crossed...

Milan Kundera - The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
Life is Elsewhere


ghg said...

Heidegger is an interesting choice for an anti Nazi. If you ever cast your eye over a book called "A Moral History of the 20th C" you'll find him featured prominently (if unflatteringly) in the chapter on philosophers.

You're putting a brave face on this lad but it looks like a bit of a blow. Any other garage choices near by or are you drawing a close to your petrol pumping career?

Anonymous said...

Yowzer! Bowser rouser doused by miser loser.

ghg said...

Seen this lad?
