After arriving at Granny and Grandad Martin's house, I was given a list of chores which I ignored and went to bed. Sleeping till after noon on Sunday(Xmas eve)before being woken up to do my duties. However in typical fashion nothing was were it should be so Granny had to go and buy a screwdriver before I could begin (putting up blinds) then when she got back asked why I hadn't started.
We went for a meal at Canasta when Grandad arrived back from Edinburgh with Amy, Stewart, Teri and the kids. It was a lovely meal despite a lengthy wait for our starters. Charlie took a dislike to the waitress and threw her milk at her mostly getting Granny and Grandad in the process. It was BYOB so I had a beautiful Chateaux neuf du pape to wash down my grilled seafood platter. Delicious!
Later that night we all settled down in the middle room to watch 'Still Game 5' possibily the funnest show on TV which led to an incident where Grandad went supersonic while howling with laughter even more than usual. Everyone eventually fell asleep and slunk off to bed. My few days at Andy's flat had knocked my bodyclock off a bit so I was just heading to bed when earlyburd Granny woke up.
A few hours later and I was up again for Santa's first stop.

Unfortunatly Granny felt it neccessary to take the camera off me so there are no pictures for the rest of the Xmas adventure.
Off to the 2nd of Santa stops, Granda Frew and Gran's house but Gran wasn't in, so Charlie and Phoenix had to wait patiently before getting tore in to their prezzies. FeeFee was glad to hear it because she was knackered, Gran's absence gave her the opportunity for a nap. When Gran arrived she started dishing out the presents.
A while later Phoenix surfaced and Charlie graciously offered to help open her gifts.
Later again and big cousins Patrick and Gary arrived with Aunty Steph and Uncle David declining Charlie's offer to open their presents for them.
Dinnertime eventually came after being held up by the late arrival of the Proven clan. Greenliped mussells to start and a buffet dinner the pick of which was turkey and haggis. After dinner it was competition time Boys versus Girls (haha). Grandad's Pub Quiz DVD was the task settled upon. Didn't think I needed to mention that the girls were grannied in the 3 matches that were played but you know how Amy likes to re-invent the past, so I thought I better.
After dinner we were meant to go stay at Aunt Steph's house, but Mum had been really rude and whined all day saying she wanted to stay at Gran's, so Amy and Stewart went to stay instead (which really made more sense, but that doesn't excuse Mum's behaviour)
The next day we needed 2 cars to get all the presents through to Edinburgh. Dad and Granda Frew were too late to see the opening of presents at Santa's 3rd stop, our house.
After Gran and Granda went home we went to check out Santa's final stop in his Chaz and Fee shift, Granma and Granda Pugh's house.
Built up Charlie's bike and Heidi's 'puter and had steak pie, mashed and roast tatties with broccoli for Boxing day dinner which was beautiful.
3 days of amazing different dinners that's what Xmas is really about!