Aimpots has decided to move back to Leith, the spiders in Oxgangs were just too much for her. So she has moved back into our brother Duncan's flat because she kens there's nae creepy crawlies. So we all took a trip over to help with the flit. Grandad, Granny and the kids fooling around before the van arrives.

Granny at home rifling through the mail, Aimpots at home preparing scran. This event was interesting as I witnessed the power of authority in the hands of my own family; they didn't handle it well! Amy was storming round the flat furious, proclaiming that the 'dirty bitches' weren't getting their deposit back, that professional cleaners would have to be brought in to clean it up. It was sad to see the auld yins in agreement, they obviously belong to the breed of landowner that think the tenents should pay for refurbishment of the premises on their way out the door. There was nothing wrong the flat that couldn't be fixed by a splash of bleach and some elbow grease; professional cleaners my arse, you lazy cunts. Lets hope the true landlord isn't as much of a twat - doesn't look good, does it?

Phoenix as you can partially see is now pulling herself onto her feet, she is making massive strides towards toddlehood. Now she is pointing, cut her first tooth, picked up about five signs and a few new facial expressions in the last week or so. Here they are in front of Louis' tank.
The landlord isn't too fussed to be honest. But if Aimpots is unwilling/unable to clean up the place reasonably then how do you fancy a short term as a professional cleaner and I'll chuck some cash at you to get it fixed up?
PS can you grout too?
On an unrelated matter, Charley was looking very cute in that last photo.
you did mention pro cleaners dafty,
and obviously you cleaned the flat fine there was nothing wrong with it other than the crap shelving that had been put up.
I'm happy to fix up anything that needs doing.
We all need to get photos like Amy. Well not exactly like Amy, that would be horrible.
Got one, it's in my profile!
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