Decided this morning to take the kids for a trip up Arthur's Seat and the Salisbury Crags on our way to Ally's flat. However after getting all wrapped up Mum opened the door ready to leave only to feel the wind and rain then threw the toys out the pram and refused to go aswell as banning Phoenix from experiencing traditional Scottish weather. Her loss for being such an Americanized pansy, imagine living in Scotland your whole life and not leaving the house when it's windy or raining - sad loser...
Above is Charlie at the start of the 'Innocent Railway'

Here we are fighting the high winds at the top of the Crags, this is just a photo op. We decide to take the safer pathway below the cliff faces and miss out Arthurs Seat. Still had to be careful though the wind was very strong.
This is where modern geology was founded, this out crop is what James Hutton looked at to finally blow the whole thing wide open and put to bed some of the moronic ideas that had been floating about in the 1700's. Cool.

We walked past the Parliament building, up next to Calton hill then down to Stocky a fair walk for the wee one. When we got to Ally's gaff Charlie had to go for a nap. While Thomo, Josh and myself had a few games of Worms (an oldie but a goldie)

The heavens opened as we decided to head back home so rather than wait out in the wind and rain we went into the pub where Ally and Josh were going to watch the fitbaw. Unfortunatly children weren't allowed in so the nice bartender chucked us out to wait 40 minutes for the bus, which turned out to be a part-route, limited stop piece of Sunday service shit taking us to bristo place. Since I only had a pound on me I had to walk the rest of the way (3 times the distance the bus took us) with Charlie on my shoulders - a tough shift.
1 comment:
Did you download the BBC radio four in our time program on Anarchism? I think you can still listen to it online if you missed it.
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