been reading your tosh below with amusement.
I was under the impression that a drinking problem was any alcohol related behaviour which impacted negatively on your life - i.e. someone who gets shitfaced 3 times a week and does nothing more than wake up with a hangover, but continues to have a productive and enjoyable life, does not have a drinking problem. Someone who has negative effects does have a problem - this could be alcoholism, losing friends, losing their job, or getting multiply arrested due to acting like a tosser when drunk.
Any thoughts?
Getting jumped by 7 guys isn't acting like a tosser.

4 years previously when I did tend to get arrested on a regular basis the typical situation would be me possibly acting like a tosser then being taken into a back room where bouncers would be heavy-handed (to say the least)and I would resort to biting and/or headbutting them since it's usually the only weapon they wouldn't have restrained. Acting like a tosser does not excuse these pricks for taking people into a backroom at battering them. Then you've got the scum, well some of my experiences; one entering my cell unbuckling his belt and saying he was going to rape me.
Another time I was beaten unconscious by 5 cops after a neighbour complained about a party - Amy and some of my friends heard me shout for help but nobody saw it, Aimpots and Andy got threatened with jail for enquiring to why I was shouting for help. I woke up with a footprint on the back of my neck with no recollection of the night before. It was only when they claimed that it was Andy Willetts who had inflicted all the damage to my body that I realised that they were full of shit.

So like I said, I don't have a drink problem. It just makes me not care about the consequences of ignoring their monopoly of violence. If I thought I could get away with it I'd do alot more than kick shit out of them while not tell my probationary officer that though.
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So your justification for not having a drink problem is that you don't care, and it's someone else's fault (bouncers, police).
I know many people who routinely get drunk to the point of unconsciousness most weekends. Society does not consider them to have a drink problem. I only know one who has been arrested a total of around 10 times (is it more now?). What is it about your behaviour that is so different? Or are you going to maintain that it is just co-incidence, and that they are all out to get you?
Bottom line is that alcohol has affected your life negatively - this is the definition of a drinking problem. So you have one. Simple as that.
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