So your justification for not having a drink problem is that you don't care, and it's someone else's fault (bouncers, police).
I know many people who routinely get drunk to the point of unconsciousness most weekends. Society does not consider them to have a drink problem. I only know one who has been arrested a total of around 10 times (is it more now?). What is it about your behaviour that is so different? Or are you going to maintain that it is just co-incidence, and that they are all out to get you?
Bottom line is that alcohol has affected your life negatively - this is the definition of a drinking problem. So you have one. Simple as that.

At no point did I ever say that I personally was being victimised, what is different about my behaviour from the herd is that I hate the fact that they have unjust authority over me and when they try to exercise it I tell them to go fuck themselves. This helps escalate situations because these wankers hate insubordination.
About my experiences having a negative impact upon my life. I would have to question this. Though they my have been unpleasant experiences at the time, life is full of them and though I have always challenged authority, without experiencing the abuse from these authorities I doubt I would have studied the nature of authority or the nature of punishment. This would have left me more racist, more nationalist and more ambitious career-wise, among other things. I thank myself(God) for these experiences that put me on the path of the virtuous whilst taking me off the path of consumerism and wealth.

As for punishment, even if I had got 4 months - big wowws
It pisses me off that they have the power to punish anyone, but I'm not afraid of them or the punishment and I won't behave because they told me to.
So again, Drink! not a problem - my Crack habit, now that's another story...
It is good to see that you are so happy that police brutality has put you on the path of righteousness. Are you aware that you can be anti-consumerist and anti-capitalist without having to get in fights?
As far as questioning authority being the cause of these episodes - there are a lot of issues here. Our society would break down without authority. There are many aspects of our society which I would not miss. Consumerism is certainly one of them. But anarchy is exactly what they have in many places - Rwanda and Somalia for example - Banda Aceh after the tsunami - and the end result is rape, murder, looting, and the emergence of feudalism and micro (later macro) dictatorships - none so far being benign. So although I would agree that there are many police and bouncers who are dickheads who abuse their position (particularly over drunks who are either not in a position to defend themselves or will not stand up as a witness later due to being drunk), they are a necessity. If you want better selection procedures, then we'll all need to pay more taxes. As it stands the situation is a balance of cost and effect, and while far from an ideal solution most people are happy with the end result.
Do you have a better alternative? Bear in mind that our society has evolved over thousands of years and most others have been tried and failed. Capitalism and consumerism are now rampant in all the old socialist, communist and dictatorial strongholds (e.g. China, former USSR, Cuba, most of South America). Anarchy, as above, doesn't work.
If you really think that our society has so many problems - what are you doing about it? A one-man stand against UK politics by sitting in your house stoned all day, then going out of a weekend and getting too drunk to stand before getting chucked in a cell overnight? How poetic. I'm sure General Blair will be quaking in his boots that New Labour's end is nigh. Have you joined any politic activist groups? Printed off some flyers to hand through letterboxes detailing your five year plan? Or just mouthed off on your blog about how crap the world is because you think that it should be your right to start fights with bouncers?
As for the authority figure issues - again, how is that your quest for social utopia seems to involve you getting your head kicked in all the time anyway? Of all the drunks out in Edinburgh during the weekend, what is is about you that lights their fuse? There are so many idiots that get escorted out or even manhandled - but it goes no further. And if it does, it's an isolated incident. But with you it's repeat business. Maybe there is a secret conspiracy of bouncers and police who are aware of your political and philosophical leanings that are plotting to stop your crusade in any way possible, and they have spent the last few years of their lives engineering their occupations to put them in a position to be at the same drinking hole you wind up in just so they can kick your skinny arse?
I eagerly await your rebuttal.
Through engaging in the Social Enquiry process you have in fact entered into a social contract with the very establishment that you claim to be sworn against .By the very nature of the social contract you have given yourself an obligation to obey the law and its institutions .
Furthermore by continuing to exist within this society you are not only reaping the benefits of social living, you are also enjoying basic rights . If your perception of entitlement to specific rights e,g an ambulance to provide transport is not forthcoming then you denegrate the lack of those rights . ??????????????
I used to bully my sister. If she tried to do something I didn't like I'd give her a dead arm. Then she'd do it again a minute later. Another dead arm. When she'd do it a third time I'd ask her,"Sarah? Why? You KNOW what will happen!" Her reply was invariably, "I should be allowed to do it..." "It" in this case usually meant sitting on the sofa when I wanted it all to myself, or something similar. Like I said, I was bullying her. But it brought up some interesting ideas in my mind (as I administered a dead leg) about the whole idea of "should". In life there is cause and effect. "Should" never enters into it. Sit on sofa= dead limb. That's it. Now, if her insistence on what should happen ever led to that ideal state of affairs becoming realised, her martyrdom would have made sense. Considering that I (like many policemen and very many bouncers) was a bully I was very unlikely to stop punishing her unfairly, because I like hitting her. Plus in the end, she wasn't getting hit for sitting on the sofa; she was getting hit for displaying such stupidity as to invite the inevitable repercussion (on occassional concussions). Unless you think you're making progress with your run-ins with authority, you're only hurting yourself. As you said in this blog, they are prone to be dickheads and bullies. That means you're giving them what they want. They have no interest in making you stop getting into fights with them in the long term. That's only in your interest. Just a thought...
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