On speaking to my lawyer before entering court I began to regret my arrogant treatment of the social enquiry report.
"Kris that's not a good report, you've really made this hard"
He then handed me a copy of the report in which he had already highlighted the areas that he found worrying.
1. I feel no remorse for my offences.
2. I drink to the point of intoxication and black-outs.
3. I don't concider this a problem.
4. I drink in the house.
5. I feel that I am 'above' the law.
6. I am at moderate to high risk of re-offending.
7. That I feel it is justified to kick someone on the head.
On reading through the report I quickly realized that any form of context had been removed and my explanations to why I believe these things obviously would have used to much ink and were therfore omitted.
I couldn't believe it, I had deliberatly sabotaged my report with a mixture of truth and arrogance but without context it made me look like a nutter.
My lawyer made it clear that he thought I'd get 6 months - 4 months because of an early plea but with this report he explained exactly what the Sheriff would say about the reports findings...
What did the Sheriff have to say then?

Well the first thing that went in my favour was the Procurator Fiscal had lost my file (what a legend). The Sheriff went nuts but decided to go ahead without him. My lawyer tried to fill in the contextual blanks that weren't on my report, all the while the sheriff nodded with a condesending smile - I thought I was fucked for sure.
The sheriff was impressed with my choice of degree, however thought it was ME that had to go home and revise some aspects of morality and ethics in society. Despite the stress I was under, I almost burst out laughing though managed to control it to just a wry smile.
In simple terms, morality is the right or wrong (or otherwise) of an action, a way of life or a decision, while ethics is the study of such standards as we use or propose to judge such things. Thus abortion may be moral or immoral according to the code we employ but ethics tells us why we call it so and how we made up our minds. As a result, ethics is sometimes called moral philosophy; we use it to criticise, defend, promote, justify and suggest moral concepts and to answer questions of morality, such as:
* How should we live and treat one another?
* What are right and wrong?
* How can we know or decide?
* Where do our ethical ideas come from?
* What are rights? Who or what has them?
* Should we coerce one another?
* Can we find an ethical system that applies to everyone?
* What do we mean by duty, justice and other similar concepts?
But all the justification for my moral point of view had not been recorded on the S.E.R. the report is most likely just a checklist because writing what was actually said would be too hard for the monkey's that interview you.

The sheriff then went on to say that I was 'out of control and because I don't see it as a problem she was worried about me being violent towards my partner and children'
What a fucking shot in the dark, then when my lawyer went on to say that nothing I have EVER done would indicate domestic abuse.
The sheriff responded with 'Domestic abuse comes in many forms, Mr Runcie'
So now because I've faught bouncers and the 'scum' and larger gangs suddenly now I'm a child abuser? Fuck you and your whole establishment...thats like saying because I have a penis then your worried about me commiting rape. Talk about conjecture...
In the end I was relieved to get 80 hours community service and a years probation. Though if she hadn't been so annoyed with the P.F. I think I'd be watching the World Cup with Bubba

I just heard about your latest legal travails. Congratulations on not getting jail time.
As a scribber of social enquiry reports I feel honour bound to explain the nature of the beast to those who have fallen on this website purely by chance and are so confused or comotosed that they cannot find their way out of this web maze.
The basic tenets are thus:
a report should be impartial,balanced and factually accurate as far as possible .It`s pirpose is to provide the court with a professsional assessment of an assessment of all disposals , the likliehood of both the offender complying and re-offending. the information used is found from a variety of sourses including the offender and all that is recorded about him/her .
As a scribber of social enquiry reports I feel honour bound to explain the nature of the beast to those who have fallen on this website purely by chance and are so confused or comotosed that they cannot find their way out of this web maze.
The basic tenets are thus:
a report should be impartial,balanced and factually accurate as far as possible .It`s purpose is to provide the court with a professional assessment of all disposals , the likliehood of both the offender complying and re-offending. The information used is found from a variety of sources including the offender and all that is recorded about him/her .
As a scribber of social enquiry reports I feel honour bound to explain the nature of the beast to those who have fallen on this website purely by chance and are so confused or comotosed that they cannot find their way out of this web maze.
The basic tenets are thus:
a report should be impartial,balanced and factually accurate as far as possible .It`s purpose is to provide the court with a professional assessment of all disposals , the likliehood of both the offender complying and re-offending. The information used is found from a variety of sources including the offender and all that is recorded about him/her .
As a scribber of social enquiry reports I feel honour bound to explain the nature of the beast to those who have fallen on this website purely by chance and are so confused or comotosed that they cannot find their way out of this web maze.
The basic tenets are thus:
a report should be impartial,balanced and factually accurate as far as possible .It`s purpose is to provide the court with a professsional assessment of an assessment of all disposals , the likliehood of both the offender complying and re-offending. The information used is found from a variety of sourses including the offender and all that is recorded about him/her .
As a scribber of social enquiry reports I feel honour bound to explain the nature of the beast to those who have fallen on this website purely by chance and are so confused or comotosed that they cannot find their way out of this web maze.
The basic tenets are thus:
a report should be impartial,balanced and factually accurate as far as possible .It`s purpose is to provide the court with a professsional assessment of an assessment of all disposals , the likliehood of both the offender complying and re-offending. The information used is found from a variety of sourses including the offender and all that is recorded about him/her .
As a scribber of social enquiry reports I feel honour bound to explain the nature of the beast to those who have fallen on this website purely by chance and are so confused or comotosed that they cannot find their way out of this web maze.
The basic tenets are thus:
a report should be impartial,balanced and factually accurate as far as possible .It`s purpose is to provide the court with a professional assessment of all disposals , the likliehood of both the offender complying and re-offending. The information used is found from a variety of sources including the offender and all that is recorded about him/her .
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