Had to go to see a social worker a few days ago in preparation for going to court today to be sentenced. However, although I'm well aware of the answers that I should give to butter-up the social worker and therefore present a positive report to the judge. I decided instead to be brutally honest (rush of blood to the head I suppose)

"hash is the only thing that keeps me calm"
"Could you expand on that?"
"well hash just makes me laugh at how shit life is rather than get annoyed at it"
"So without hash you get angry?"
Now my question is, how can you not be angry? Even while stoned I am still pissed off with the entire fabric of our so called 'civilization,' there is nothing civilized about it.

Another truth I made clear which again went against conventional thought was that University is a bullshit training course for your career and has absolutely nothing to do with education.
"I see from your previous report that you were at university, what happened with that?"
"I left at the end of third year"
"do you intent to complete your course?"
"Naw, I'm above it..."
Now although this is clearly true, it's just not something you say. I went on to explain that university serves only the purpose of testing, showing that you can follow orders, qualifying whilst getting you into so much debt essentially tricking you into paying for your own job training and that 'real' education is something that you do in your own time, using your own motivation, studying subjects of your own choice.
Another thing on the agenda was my drinking habits, since every offence that I've been caught for has been when I've been too pissed to run away. Having already been forced to attend alcohol probation 3 years ago. I commented on how useless it was since I don't have a drinking problem, that I am just greedy and that when I get drunk I know I'll keep drinking until I 'Black-out' (another concerning buzz word) when I could've just said fall asleep.

"So how did you find the SACRO probation last time"
"I didn't learn anything new, they give you a drink diary and unless the football was on I wouldn't drink and even then it would just be a few beers, in fact the course instructor drank more than me."
"So you don't think you have a drink problem?"
"No, like I said the more you have the harder it is to say no to the next one. I think that's true of most people"
"Most people don't go around assaulting people..."
After this statement I burst out laughing, I couldn't help it.
I then lifted my charge sheet and pointed to all my offence's and pointed out that in not one instance did I ever attack anyone and that every assault was against bouncers and/or police and that in this latest farcicle affair there was seven of them against two of us, and they started on us I just hit one guy a bit too hard.
"So you don't feel any remorse for any of these victims"
"Bouncers and Police? no they're not victims there're licenced bullies."
"I take it your anti-authoritarian?"
"Just a wee bit, i'm an anarchist"

Again, not the best thing to say to someone within they same establishment writing a report that could send you to jail. But fuck them it's true these pricks deserve much worse than being hit by a drunk.
The social worker said she would advise against probation because I said although it wouldn't teach me anything new,
"It's not meant to be interesting"
And to tail it off we returned to the facts of this case. I let her know that I and everyone I've spoken to thought it was a joke that I was getting charged for getting jumped.
"But you kicked someone one the head?"
"there was seven of them"
"So you think you are justified in kicking someone on the head?"
"your making it sound worse than it was"
"yes, in that circumstance I was. It's not like I had already over powered one guy and was beating him to death"

Do you think it'll go well?
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