Re-appeared in court this morning and strangely my poo turned to soup again, I wonder if there is a connection between the two.
Phoned my co-defendant Ally last night who missed the last appearance through a mysterious illness that left him hospitalised which has been described as the first human case of bird-flu (though this is unconfirmed).
Ally was still through in West Kilbride and was surprised to hear that we were due in court the next day so despite him still feeling poorly he dragged himself through to appear in this kangaroo court.
Turned up early this morning and was surprised to see Ally had beaten me there. He still felt rough and looked a little pale, though at least his skin had reverted from its radioactive yellow glow.
My lawyer swept by majestically with his flowing gown trailing behind him, I always find the halls in court fascinating:
The old pro's dress smart and look confident usually in a group of friends and family.
You get several 'Young Teams' who come to support each other either as friends or co-defendants, they always stand up and have a swagger about them.
There is an abundance of withdrawn shadows who's ghost like appearance and skulky presence show them up as the 'Junkies' they appear alone or in couples but never in groups.
The 'Alchy's' primarily can be identified by their smell and these guys are also usually sitting alone.
Dotted about are a few mentally retarded folk who from the minute they cross the threshold need looking after though rather than get this, they get pawned of by each official they talk to.
Then there is the group that I once belonged to, the poor kids with their suit on sitting on a seat staring at their feet feeling shameful as their parents stand over them talking to their lawyer.
I fought my way through the crowd of 'baddies' to catch up with my caped crusader. He had managed to do a deal with the crown; the deal meant that I had to plead guilty to the crime I didn't do,(assault) without the word 'repeatedly' and they would drop the charge that I did do (possession of cannabis)
Ally's plea of 'not guilty' was accepted, while my sentence was deferred for background reports because all my previous records were assaults.
There was seven of them, two of us.
In one of the witness statements said that they banged into us, we swore at them, they pushed Ally first.
But because I kicked one of them after decking him that action isn't deemed as 'self-defence' because I had the opportunity to run away.
5 of them said I kicked the guy once.
2 said I did it repeatedly
And I'm meant to be grateful that 'repeatedly' was deleted, cheers.
3 of the 7 also thought they were fighting 3 people, that's how reliable these statements were.
But I was caught red handed with the hash.
'Justice is truth in action' - what a joke...
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