Arrived back today from Corby having spent the easter weekend there. First time I have been down in 5 years, though Charlie visited with Mum and Gran 2 years ago when she was roughly about the same age as Phoenix is now (5 months). So there was alot to catch up on...
Went through to Weedgieville on Thursday after court, Teri and the kids had gone through earlier with Granma & Granda Pugh and Aunty Heidi (who were flying out to palma nova from Glasgow.) This is also the fateful day were I became a human expresso machine, a complaint that would later claim 5 more victims throughout the trip.
Early Friday morning we set off and it didn't take long to see the family charm. At 'the Little Chef' the first stop we encountered some problems with service. Gran lept in response demanding action, this was not good enough, this time Gran demanded a manager take responsibility...in reparations the kids meal was discounted. All seemed well but we were still a cup short for our tea - the audacity. Gran never pulled any punches letting the manager know exactly how she found the 'service'...he conceeded the whole meal then ran off to hide somewhere 'til we'd gone.
Callum looks a bit surprised to see us.

We arrived just after lunch and it didn't take long for GG Agnes' house to fill up. Met Dylan, Callum and the dog 'Lucky' for the first time on a lovely day, the first I've experienced this year. Dylan is a 4-year-old English/Scotlish hybrid proud of his Celtic roots while Callum is only a wee barra at 6-months. All the usual suspects came to greet us and meet Phoenix for the first time except for my cousin Richard (Dylan's Dad) who remained hidden for the duration of the holiday. Lindsey-Ann (Callum's mum) made a cameo and provided much of the aparatus needed for entertaining Fee-Fee so thanks Lindsey-Ann it was much appreciated. Despite this though, I think that Phoenix was a little homesick and possibly over-whelmed by the whole experience because she moaned continually through the whole week-end until she got home then she was a happy little giggler again.

The Gray's of course came round, Kathryn now a girl-racer came screetching round the corner. Andrew had just come back up from London and had made Charlie an easter hat, the thoughtful devil that he is. Claire swaggered in later though was unusually quiet, it wasn't until she had a few drinks in her on Sunday when she opened up declaring her wish to wipe out the human race - rather extreme I think, though I agree they're a problem. Aunty Sandra and Uncle Eddy were among the first to welcome us all and express their surprise at me being a father...
Uncle Andrew helps Charlie with some golf tips.

Shortly after arrival Andrew asked me to come and help him carry a childrens chute across the road, when I saw this chute I couldn't help but smile before putting it under my arm and carring it myself much to Andrew's embarrasment and mild protests.
'Kris Martin don't you daaaare lift that by yourself.............Oh my God I'll never live this down!!!!'
Made the mistake of having a Chinky despite my delicate condition, then went to the pub with Grandad, Uncle Eddy and Andrew. Kathryn 'my favourite cousin' had the pleasure of dropping us off and picking us up what a star she is, though her driving can be a little reckless. The next morning I had the pleasure of spewing out of both ends simultainously - nice...
Charlie on a horsey at East Carlton Park.

On Saturday Gran, Aunty Sandra, Mum, Dad, Kathryn, Andrew, Charlie, Dylan and Phoenix all took a trip to Calton Park where we saw ducks, climbed a wee hill, played in the sand and in the swingpark. After lunch we headed home to GG's

Gran and Grandad went out for a meal with Sandra and Eddy. Dad and Mum stayed in to hear stories of Agnes' children including Uncle David's masterful prank on Aunt Sandra when they were kids:
David had aquired a mannequin and dressed it before setting it up to look like someone had hung themselves at the top of the stairs. - although this led to a scream from the terrified Sandra and a heroic burst of energy from Papa who flew up the stairs ripped it from the roof. Agnes shouted "what's the matter with you!!! you sick or something?" and nobody was laughing. Comedy genius...I love it.

Gran and Charlie went to visit Papa's grave on Sunday while Dad lay in his pit. Charlie couldn't find Papa so left the flowers next a stone that Gran was talking to.
After Dad had surfaced we all went round for a lovely buffet, some wine and beers courtesy of Aunty Sandra. Molly the dog and a hulahoop kept Charlie entertained for most of the afternoon, Phoenix spent most of the time in the garden sleeping. All the family reminicing until the football came on.
Mum, Dad, Andrew and Claire then went to the pub thanks to Kathryn's rallying. Kathryn would later join us in the pub (oooh the baby's all growed up) Mum went home while the rest of us moved on to some other place by this stage things get a bit foggy and next thing Dad knows is he is waking up on the couch on Monday morning in a busy living room.
We got organized and said our goodbye's then made our long journey north Glasgow via Edinburgh. No excitement at the little chef this time although Charlie uttered an immortal phrase and just before we arrived spewed in the car - mmm yummy..
Thanks again to everyone for a great Easter, Love you all...
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