Gavin acting the clown in the car. Cheer's to you Gav for making all the arrangements the allowed the Tenerife-5 to make trip north to Ban-chor-ay.

Ally was the in charge of the tunes which electrified the atmosphere with only two skipped tracks on the whole journey - what a lad.

Finnie was driving!!! I know what your thinking, but to be honest he did alright, for a gay.

Willetts was already roaming about the town and joined us in our hotel bar. It was here where we met up with the willywasher we all know as Rendal and his alibi Fiona.

Finster smiling only for the camera, the torrid time this silly twat was going to get throughout his trip to Banchory was for his thumb ring. He should have taken it off in the car after my abuse, because Willetts' dressing down of him left him speechless for the rest of the night. Poor lad...

I left a nice 'tash and goatee, but couldn't compete with Finnie's thumb ring.

The Tenerife 5 (including the cameraman).

The Best Man, Andrew Copland who's mum would completely catch me off guard after the ceremony as a familiar face that I had forgotten.

The wedding was cool, there were hymn's but disappointingly we were the only ones singing it seemed.

Laura and Gareth just realise what he's done.

Gareth's wee brother - Samual. A faithful follower of Blue Steel.

The lovely couple.

Gavin the Alcoholic giving me that look that says PUB. It turns out Gareth had neglected to invite any of us boy's to the dinner so we had very little choice; 6 hours of pub time before the reception - CRAZY.

The other boys agree with Gav's look and so we set off across the road. To where the tardy SweepyWonder was to meet us. He had chosen not to get the taxi he suggested from Aberdeen which would have been funny because it's a 26 mile journey and he still wouldn't have made the ceremony.

After a few pints and some nice grub in this place, we headed back to the hotel. Primarily so me and Ally could have a joint (which turned into 3 or 4). Gav and Willetts kept drinking in the hotel bar and while we toked the reefer (Sweep included). Finnie slept!

Imagine sleeping during a Wedding celebration. You wouldn't catch me doing anything like that.

Staggering cock in hand
TO the party.

To be honest I don't really know what happened after this point, I know I excessively/deservedly slagged Rendal and Samual's Art student pal. Don't think I made it off my seat to dance which was disappointing.

Eventually Ally and myself were chucked out by the Copster. I am still unclear of the whole incident, apparently I hadn't long woke up. But I felt gutted to be chucked out early and asked Gareth personally to show mercy. None was given. Willetts was off being told what he later described as the worst joke ever - that in 9 months he might have another kid in Stonehaven.

The next day I found out that me and Ally were the last to leave of those not staying at that hotel, and having ran out of money we created a tab on one of the rooms (perhaps several) and all things considered maybe it was time to go. Although we refused to be tamed taking to the streets of Banchory in search of a party after a few hours of walking and eventually running through the 2 streets we ended up back at the hotel demanding the bar be re-opened. The night-shift dude tried to divert us to our room with excuses that he was busy - it didn't work.
'Don't talk shite' I think was Ally's exact response before he duly opened the bar.

Blue Steel is taking over, even Sweep's doing it. On the road down I blacked out either through drink or sleep but when I woke up I was in a pub in Glasgow apparently the second one we had been to and I had lost my 'Jinky hashbox' and the £100 of grass in it. We returned the previous bar we'd allegedly been to were I was given back my bag and diary. I pleaded with the staff just to give me the box as well, that they could keep what was in it - the box is more of a loss, I'm gutted.

Wanted! Empty or Full.

Drank myself sober on the Sunday with Gav and Ally in Glasgow, before watching two burds fighting while boarding the bus to which I laughed out loud sporadically all the way home.
Good work Kris. Have another look at the picture of Gavin the Alcoholic giving the "PUB" look. There is a little girl in the background checking out his ass. I must say, impeccable taste for one so young...
unfortunately the wedding rings were not the only rings on show that day...
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