This is Louis the bearded dragon.
Amy was at first apprehensive about buying this prehistoric monster, because she's a big feardy. The £500 price tag should have been what cast the doubt in my opinion especially since it cannae even eat the spiders that plague Amy's existence. According to the pet shop folk, special insects have to be bought to feed Louis. Mmmmmmm is anyone else suspicious of this advice?
Amy's arachnophobia has now extended to include even the word SPIDER. The harmless little beasties have the power to reduce the once mighty Mmpots to tears. Time to get your head checked Bobbins methinks...
Prehistoric macdonalds
i'm not suspicious about the pet-shops's advice RE feeding the animal. i am dubious, however, as to how well looked after it will be. does the owner know how long it lives for, what a comitment it's going to be, how it's going to be fed in winter if not by buying mealworms and crickets? i can't help that poor beast which has been taken into the care of idiots who can't even look after themselves, let alone a reptile, but i will advise you that maggots are not suitable food for lizards, so don't be a cheapskate and buy his dinner down the local bait shop? good luck with it. if u look after it well if should live for many, many years...hmmm...you'll ned a bit tank too. you know pet-shop housing is temporary and not indicative of what you need to give a reasonable quality of life to a reptile? did you know that? i bet not. you'll do it all on the cheap and the "dragon" will wither within 2 or 3 years. nice one.
Keep animals in their habitat .Trophy animals says more about their owners . Five hundred punds would have kept some animals alive
Keep animals in their habitat .Trophy animals says more about their owners . Five hundred punds would have kept some animals alive
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