Arrived early to have a walk round the nearby streets and find any shortcuts for next time. It was on Albany Street, a surprising place for a social-work office the building must be a couple of million at least; fits the rich and powerful secret society theory though.
Buzzed in and met Anna who took me through to the backroom for a tea. She seemed a little nervous and giggly like a girl on a first date. I was a bit confused but maybe she just liked my style - what? it could happen.
Russell arrived and we went through to the conference room where Anna could induct me ooh!
The poor girl couldn't stop talking to organise in her head what she was trying to say, she had a list of points in front of her but blurted out all of them in one go then continued to go through the points anyway beginning each one 'like we were just saying blablablabla bla...' it was very amusing.
After we finished with formalities it was revealed that this was only her third week, so much for liking my complete lack of style. Another trainee, they must think i'm some kinda easy ride.
Say cheese!
As for the course, 'it's split into two parts we call modules': Values and Skills.
Values: 10 - 2hr sessions
1. Introduction
2. What's important to us
3. Expectations of men
4. Developing an image
5. Effects of self and others
6. Seeing the whole picture
7. Put yourself in other's shoes
8. How does crime affect people
9. Victims of crime
10. Review
Skills: 12 - 2hr sessions
1. Intro
2. Descision making and choices
3. Knowledge/information is Power
4. Creative & 'one step ahead' thinking
5. Self control
6. Triggers to loss of self control
7. Regaining control - lifestyle
8. Communication skills
9. Non-verbal communication signals
10. Dealing with conflict
11. The art of negotiation
12. Review
I'm going to have a field day with all this, haha I can't wait...
Kris you dobber, you've labelled your probation group picture whore or something like that. It means I can't open it at work. I can read the entry but can't see the pic of your group.
Ok, just seen the pic at home. They look nice enough. Russel looks unbelievably young, are you sure he's your social worker?
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