Here's the ubermench herself in her own photo shoot. As requested by her Uncle Ryan. This is the latest photo of her chilling on the couch.

a rare one where dad isn't behind the camera

Phoenix where's yur troosers

Here's another with the wee yin, using myself as perspective to measure Fee-Fee compared to Charlie at this age in the same pose.

Phoenix where's yur troosers

Here's another with the wee yin, using myself as perspective to measure Fee-Fee compared to Charlie at this age in the same pose.

On mum's knee rocking back and forth.

Learn to climb before you can fly.

OOii, Specky

Teething is no problem for the Phoenix, even manages to politely hold out her pinky

Imitation is the childs art - Dad often looks like this after a few puffs.

The lazy wee devil is getting a work-out, because she refuses to use her legs to support her wieght; in about five minutes Charlie is going to break the swing and scupper my efforts.

Again getting some practise sitting up, shouldn't be long now.

Loving the polar bears chat.

Not to fond of the brown one having just watched 'Grizzly Man'

High Shoulder fae yir maw.

Beer that is not drunk has missed its vocation.

a laugh and a giggle.

one day my right ear will be as big as this.

Reality is an illusion created by a lack of alcohol.

Mum not exposing her gum in a picture as Phoenix smiles delightfully, a gem.

Having already mastered solid foods and cooing, trys her hand at discovering the difference between truth as 'the unhiddenness of beings' and truth as 'the correctness of propositions'.

Two positives never make a negitive - Aye Right!

a remarkable resemblence to 'Lost's' John Locke.

Just out the bath.

The 'old skool' jungle gym - none of these NewAge plastic toys here.

Hand in mouth disease.

Hasn't mastered strings so this'll have to do for now.


Target practise.

Super close-ups.

Just chill out guys ye ken.

a rare moment where Charlie takes a back seat.

the Destroyer is scoping the action.

mmmmm toast.

Oi Chubby.

I will fly one day and make this technology obsolete.

Charlie's 'pretty face' as she tries to pull off FeeFee's arm.

Cool Bandana

a quick munch on the hand in between press-ups.

Look you, see right, I've had enough of this, get that camera out of my face...

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