Tonight having just got out a bath with her sister at 7.30pm phoenix finally rolled over.
The talc powder was just above the right hand side of her head and finally used her far away hand and shifted her bodyweight and rolled over onto her belly. She did have a brief moment where her arm got stuck and she had a moan, however this was fleeting in her moment of triumph.
Was Charlie as bald as that when she was that age?
been reading your tosh below with amusement.
I was under the impression that a drinking problem was any alcohol related behaviour which impacted negatively on your life - i.e. someone who gets shitfaced 3 times a week and does nothing more than wake up with a hangover, but continues to have a productive and enjoyable life, does not have a drinking problem. Someone who has negative effects does have a problem - this could be alcoholism, losing friends, losing their job, or getting multiply arrested due to acting like a tosser when drunk.
Any thoughts?
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