However, I have actually managed to earn myself a degree in the interim period. Now I face he prospect of looking for graduate positions at the age of 30 without any experience and with a lot of gaps in my CV.
I literally do not have a scooby what kind of jobs to look for, what my prospects are, or where even to find a suitable job.
In the few months since I have finished uni there have been rare periods of motivation to get myself a jobbie.
The first period of motivation got my CV mostly done, upto the references section where I realised that I do not have a single job reference because every place I have worked in the last 10 years has now shut down.
I then decided that it was time for me to join the Army, I fancied the idea of becoming a blacksmith and spent days going through all of the job roles. However, with my psychology based degree it was clear that becoing an intelligence analyst was the most appropriate (which would involve doing the exact thing that caused Edward Snowdon to become a whistleblower).
This was my decision for a while but it would mean the end of my relationship with Mary-Jane. The army has no time for a lass like Mary and she would have to go... I steeled my nerves and thought of life without her. I lasted a day but decided that one last fling was neccessary after so many years together. Our final fling could never be so and now I realise the impossibility of life without Mary-Jane.
So now it's back to the lab again and back to square one.